What is the Shipping Route from China to the US?

What is the Shipping Route from China to the US?

August 31, 2024
In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about shipping from China to the US, including the different routes and methods available to shippers. When shipping goods from China to the United States, there are several routes that carriers may take, each with its unique advantages.

The shipping routes from China to the USA can vary significantly based on the specific path the ship takes across various waterways, which may affect the shipping time, cost, and overall efficiency.

What is the Shipping Route from China to the US?

shipping routes from china to usa map

The shipping route from China to the USA involves several pathways across the Pacific Ocean, and the specific route chosen depends on factors like the port of origin in China, the port of destination in the USA, the type of cargo, transit time requirements, and cost considerations. Understanding the distance from China to USA is crucial for determining the most efficient route. Here’s an overview of the main shipping routes China uses for transporting goods to the United States:

  1. North Pacific Route:
    • Route Details: This is one of the most commonly used shipping routes China utilizes for sending goods to the USA, especially for cargo heading to the West Coast ports such as Los Angeles, Long Beach, Oakland, and Seattle.
    • Distance: The China to USA distance on this route is typically around 6,000 to 7,000 nautical miles, depending on the specific port-to-port path. This route usually takes about 12-18 days.
    • Advantages: It is the fastest route to reach the US West Coast, making it ideal for time-sensitive shipments.
  2. Panama Canal Route:
    • Route Details: This route is commonly used for shipping goods to the US East Coast, including ports like New York, Savannah, Charleston, and Miami.
    • Distance: The distance from China to USA via the Panama Canal is significantly longer, usually around 11,000 to 13,000 nautical miles. This journey typically takes about 25-30 days.
    • Advantages: It provides direct access to the US East Coast without having to navigate around the southern tip of South America. This is one of the more strategic shipping routes China uses to access the eastern US markets.
  3. Suez Canal Route:
    • Route Details: This route is less frequently used but can be an alternative for shipments destined for the East Coast or Gulf Coast ports in the USA.
    • Distance: The China to US East Coast distance via the Suez Canal can be around 12,000 to 15,000 nautical miles, depending on the final destination. This route usually takes 40-50 days.
    • Advantages: This route serves as an alternative when there are disruptions or congestion at the Panama Canal or when shipping costs and fuel savings justify the longer route. It’s one of the shipping routes China considers for reaching the eastern parts of the USA when other routes are less favorable.
  4. Intermodal Transport via West Coast:
    • Route Details: This involves combining sea and land transportation to expedite shipments to interior regions of the USA.
    • Distance: The initial sea leg has a similar China to USA distance as the North Pacific route. The goods are then transported by rail or truck across the country.
    • Advantages: It offers flexibility and speed for shipments that need to reach inland areas beyond the coastal ports. This method showcases how shipping routes China can be complemented with intermodal transport to enhance distribution efficiency across the USA.

Factors Influencing Route Choice:

  • Transit Time Requirements: Routes with shorter distances, such as the North Pacific Route, are preferred for urgent shipments.
  • Cost Considerations: Longer routes, like those through the Panama or Suez Canals, can be more cost-effective for bulk shipments.
  • Port Congestion and Capacity: Availability of port facilities and congestion levels can affect the choice of route to avoid delays.
  • Cargo Type and Handling Requirements: Specific goods may require particular routes due to handling needs, port facilities, or regulatory issues.

Understanding these shipping routes and the China to USA distance for each can help shippers plan their logistics strategies more effectively, balancing cost, speed, and reliability. Additionally, knowing the US to China distance for return trips is essential for planning round-trip logistics and optimizing shipping operations. For businesses and logistics companies, selecting the right shipping routes China offers to reach the USA can significantly impact operational efficiency and overall success.


1. Shipping Method

The shipping methods from China to the US are Air Express, Air Freight, and Ocean Freight. Therefore, there are air routes for Air Express and Air Freight and sea routes for Ocean Freight.

2. Shipping Destination

When shipping from China to the USA, the shipping vessels do not lead to the same destination. The United States is a big country with several airports and ports. So, the goods will always be delivered to the port specified by the shipper. There may be different shipping routes depending on the location of the destination port.

3. Shipping carrier

There are several carriers when shipping from China to the US. These carriers may not use the same shipping route. When choosing a carrier, you may consider inquiring about the shipping routes they use.

The fact that there are several shipping routes indicates that the shipping route taken from China to the US affects some shipping aspects. This is because different shipping routes have different distances. These aspects include:

  • Transit time. The shipping route that covers more distance will definitely take more time to reach the destination.
  • Shipping cost. The more the covered distance, the more it will cost to ship from China to the US.

The Shipping Route from China to USA

The Shipping Route from China to USA

1. China to USA Flight Route

Currently, there are more than 61 non-stop air routes from China to the USA.

Below are major airlines and the non-stop routes they operate on.

1.1) Air China

  • Beijing to San Francisco
  • Beijing to Los Angeles
  • Beijing to New York
  • Beijing to Houston
  • Beijing to Honolulu
  • Beijing to Washington
  • Beijing to Newark
  • Shanghai to San Jose
  • Shanghai to Los Angeles

1.2) China Eastern

  • Shanghai to Seattle
  • Shanghai to Chicago
  • Shanghai to San Francisco
  • Shanghai to New York
  • Shanghai to Honolulu
  • Nanjing to Los Angeles
  • Qingdao to San Francisco

1.3) China Southern

  • Guangzhou to Los Angeles
  • Guangzhou to New York
  • Guangzhou to San Francisco
  • Wuhan to San Francisco
  • Shenyang to Los Angeles
  • Wuhan to New York

1.4) Hainan Airlines

  • Beijing to Seattle
  • Beijing to Chicago
  • Beijing to Boston
  • Beijing to San Jose
  • Beijing to Las Vegas
  • Shanghai to Boston
  • Shanghai to Seattle
  • Changsha to Los Angeles
  • Chengdu to Los Angeles
  • Chengdu to New York
  • Chongqing to Los Angeles
  • Chongqing to New York

1.5) Sichuan Airlines

  • Hangzhou to Los Angeles
  • Jinan to Los Angeles

1.6) Xiamen Airlines

  • Shenzhen to Seattle
  • Fuzhou to New York
  • Xiamen to Qingdao to Los Angeles

1.7) United Airlines

  • Beijing to San Francisco
  • Beijing to Chicago
  • Beijing to Washington
  • Beijing to Newark
  • Shanghai to San Francisco
  • Shanghai to Chicago
  • Shanghai to Los Angeles
  • Shanghai to Newark
  • Chengdu to San Francisco
  • Xian to San Francisco
  • Hangzhou to San Francisco

1.8) Continental Airlines

  • Beijing to Newark
  • Shanghai to Newark

1.9) Northwest Airlines

  • Beijing to Detroit
  • Shanghai to Detroit

1.10) Delta Airlines

  • Shanghai to Atlanta
  • Shanghai to Detroit
  • Shanghai to Seattle
  • Shanghai to Los Angeles
  • Beijing to Seattle
  • Beijing to Detroit

1.11) American Airlines

  • Shanghai to Chicago
  • Beijing to Chicago
  • Shanghai to Los Angeles
  • Shanghai to Dallas
  • Beijing to Dallas
  • Beijing to Los Angeles

1.12) Hawaiian Airlines

  • Beijing to Honolulu
  • Closest US Port to China

Some of the US ports that are closest to China are:

  • Port of Tacoma
  • Port of Seattle
  • Port of Los Angeles
  • Port of Oakland
  • Port of Vancouver, USA
  • Port of Houston
  • Port of New York

2. Ground Route

Apparently, there is no ground route for shipping from China to the US. Ground routes involve the use of roads and railways. However, shipping to the US can only be done via air or the sea.

3. Sea Shipping From China to USA Route

china to usa sea route map

Sea shipping from China to the USA involves several key routes across the Pacific Ocean, with each route selected based on factors such as port location, cargo type, transit time requirements, and cost considerations. Understanding the China to USA sea route distance is crucial for planning and optimizing logistics. Here’s a detailed overview of the primary sea shipping routes and how they impact the overall strategy for shipping from China to America:

1. North Pacific Route

  • Route Details: The North Pacific Route is one of the most popular routes for shipping from China to the USA by sea, especially for goods bound for the West Coast. This route services major US ports such as Los Angeles, Long Beach, Oakland, and Seattle.
  • Path: Ships depart from significant Chinese ports, including Shanghai, Ningbo, Shenzhen, and Qingdao, crossing directly over the North Pacific Ocean to the US West Coast.
  • China Port-to-Port Shipping Distance: The China to USA sea route distance on this path is typically around 6,000 to 7,000 nautical miles, depending on the specific ports of departure and arrival.
  • Transit Time: This route usually takes about 12-18 days.
  • Advantages: This is the fastest route for shipping from China to America on the West Coast, making it ideal for time-sensitive shipments. The shorter distance also reduces fuel consumption, offering cost savings on large shipments.

2. Panama Canal Route

  • Route Details: The Panama Canal Route is commonly used for shipping from China to USA by sea to the East Coast, serving ports like New York, Savannah, Charleston, and Miami.
  • Path: Vessels depart from Chinese ports, cross the Pacific Ocean, pass through the Panama Canal, and then proceed to the US East Coast.
  • China Port-to-Port Shipping Distance: The distance from China to USA via this route is approximately 11,000 to 13,000 nautical miles.
  • Transit Time: The journey typically takes about 25-30 days.
  • Advantages: This route provides direct access to the US East Coast without the need to navigate around the southern tip of South America. It is an efficient route for bulk goods that are less time-sensitive but require cost-effective transport.

3. Suez Canal Route

  • Route Details: The Suez Canal Route is less frequently used but serves as an alternative for shipments destined for the US East Coast or Gulf Coast ports.
  • Path: Ships depart from Chinese ports, cross the Indian Ocean, transit through the Suez Canal, and then cross the Atlantic Ocean to reach the USA.
  • China to USA Sea Route Distance: The distance from China to USA via the Suez Canal is typically around 12,000 to 15,000 nautical miles.
  • Transit Time: This route usually takes between 40-50 days.
  • Advantages: This route is a viable alternative when there are disruptions or congestion at the Panama Canal or when shipping costs and fuel savings justify the longer journey. It offers flexibility for shipping from China to America when other routes are less favorable.

4. Transpacific Intermodal Route

  • Route Details: This route involves a combination of sea and land transport to expedite shipments from the West Coast to interior regions of the USA.
  • Path: Goods are shipped from China to a US West Coast port (such as Los Angeles or Seattle) and then transported by rail or truck across the country.
  • China Port-to-Port Shipping Distance: The initial sea journey shares a similar China to USA sea route distance of around 6,000 to 7,000 nautical miles, followed by overland miles depending on the final destination.
  • Transit Time: The sea leg takes about 12-18 days, with additional time for overland transport.
  • Advantages: This route provides flexibility and speed for shipments that need to reach inland areas beyond the coastal ports, balancing cost and delivery time effectively.

Factors Influencing Route Choice for Shipping from China to USA by Sea:

  • Transit Time Requirements: Shorter routes like the North Pacific Route are preferred for urgent shipments.
  • Cost Efficiency: Longer routes via the Panama or Suez Canals might be more economical for large, less time-sensitive shipments.
  • Port Congestion and Capacity: The choice of route can be influenced by the availability of port facilities and congestion levels to avoid delays.
  • Cargo Type and Handling Requirements: Certain goods may require specific routes based on handling needs, port facilities, or regulatory issues.

Understanding these sea shipping routes, including the China to USA sea route distance and the various options for china port-to-port shipping, helps businesses optimize their logistics strategies. This ensures efficient, reliable, and cost-effective shipping from China to America, catering to diverse supply chain needs.

3.1) The Pacific route

With this shipping route, the ships will begin their journey from the south of East China. They will then go into the North Pacific Ocean by moving northwards through the Sea of Japan via Okhotsk. From the North Pacific Ocean, the ships can reach the West Coast of the US and also west Latin America. This is the most popular route when shipping from China to the United States. Ships heading to Australia, New Zealand, and western Canada also use this route.

3.2) The Indian Ocean route

When shipping goods from China to North America, this is the route that ships use. The ships sail from China to the Cape of Good Hope. Other places that the Indian Ocean route leads to include East Africa, Western Europe, and the Persian Gulf.

3.3) The Atlantic route

With this route, the ships from China move towards the south. They will then sail through the Indian Ocean and the Cape of Good Hope. From there, the ships can head to their destinations. The Atlantic route leads to the East Coast of the United States, Western Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf, and the Suez Canal.

Other sea routes include:

  • Maersk Transpacific 7 (TP7) – This route leads to Savannah, Miami, and Charleston. Ships take about 41 days to reach the US.
  • CMA CGM Manhattan Bridge – This route leads to New York, Savannah, Miami, and Norfolk, USA. The transit time is 35 days.
  • China Shipping AAE2 – It leads to Houston, Jacksonville, Miami, and Mobile. The transit time is 34 days.
  • MSC America Westbound – It leads to Savannah, Newark, Charleston, and Miami. The transit time is 42 days.
  • Evergreen/MOL AUE3 – It leads to Savannah, Jacksonville, and Charleston. The transit time is 38 days.

China to USA Sea Route Distance

China to USA Sea Route Distance

The sea route distance from China to the US is 13,134 kilometers. Depending on the location of the port of loading in China and the final destination in the US, distances vary.

The table below shows the variation in the distance concerning the location of ports of loading and the final destination.









































































Cargo Ship Route From China to USA?

The cargo ship route from China to the USA typically follows these general steps:

  1. Departure from Port: Ships depart from major Chinese ports such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, or Ningbo.
  2. South China Sea: Vessels navigate through the South China Sea, heading towards the Strait of Malacca.
  3. Strait of Malacca: After passing through the Strait of Malacca, ships enter the Indian Ocean.
  4. Around the Indian Ocean: Depending on the final destination, ships may head towards the Pacific Ocean or continue around the southern tip of India.
  5. Crossing the Pacific Ocean: For routes to the West Coast, ships cross the Pacific Ocean, heading towards ports like Los Angeles, Seattle, or Oakland. For East Coast destinations, ships might navigate around Central America via the Panama Canal.
  6. Arrival at US Ports: Finally, ships arrive at their destination ports, where cargo is unloaded and distributed.


From the above information, it is clear that there are several shipping routes from China to the USA. Having knowledge on the shipping routes is not only important to the carriers and freight forwarders, but also to the importers.

Distance From CHINA To USA by SEA?

The distance from China to the USA by sea varies depending on the specific ports involved, but generally, it’s about 5,000 to 7,000 nautical miles (approximately 9,300 to 13,000 kilometers).

For example, shipping from Shanghai to Los Angeles is around 6,000 nautical miles, while routes to East Coast ports like New York can be longer, often exceeding 7,000 nautical miles.

How Long Container Ship From CHINA To US?

The transit time for a container ship from China to the US typically ranges from 15 to 40 days, depending on various factors such as the specific ports of departure and arrival, the shipping route, weather conditions, and the shipping line used.

On average, shipments from major ports in China to the West Coast of the US usually take about 15 to 25 days, while those to the East Coast can take 30 to 40 days.

Shipping route FAQ’s

How Far is China from united states?

The distance between China and America varies depending on the specific locations being measured and the shipping routes chosen. Here are some approximate distances for common shipping routes:

  • Shanghai to Los Angeles: This route covers about 6,000 nautical miles (approximately 11,100 kilometers). It is one of the shortest and most direct routes for shipping from China to the United States, primarily used for transporting goods to the West Coast.
  • Beijing to New York: The distance for this route is around 7,000 nautical miles (approximately 12,900 kilometers). This route is longer as it involves crossing the Pacific Ocean and often passing through the Panama Canal to reach the East Coast of the United States.

These distances can vary based on the specific ports or cities involved and the shipping routes taken. Factors such as weather conditions, ocean currents, and port congestion can also influence the total travel distance and time for cargo ships. Understanding the distance between China and America is essential for businesses to plan their shipping schedules and logistics effectively, ensuring timely and cost-efficient delivery of goods across continents.

How long does it take a cargo ship to travel from China to the USA?

The cargo ship route from China to the USA varies in duration depending on the destination port in the United States. If a cargo ship is headed to the West Coast of the US, the journey typically takes about two to four weeks. This shorter duration is due to the direct route across the Pacific Ocean, covering a shorter distance. However, if the cargo ship is destined for the East Coast of the US, the shipping time extends to about three to five weeks. This longer duration is because more distance is covered when shipping from China to the East Coast, often involving transit through the Panama Canal or a longer route via the Suez Canal.

Understanding how long does shipping from China take is crucial for planning and logistics. The time it takes for cargo to reach the US from China is influenced by factors such as the shipping route chosen, the type of cargo ship, weather conditions, and port congestion. For example, routes to the West Coast, such as those to Los Angeles or Seattle, are faster and more direct, while routes to the East Coast, such as to New York or Miami, involve longer transit times due to the additional distance and potential delays at the Panama or Suez Canals.

Knowing the expected shipping time helps businesses plan their supply chains efficiently, ensuring timely delivery of goods from China to various parts of the United States.

What shipping route is used to the East Coast?

The pacific route.

Do ships from China use the Suez Canal?

Yes. With the Atlantic route, the ships will sail through the Suez Canal when heading to Europe.

What routes do ships take?

When traveling from China to the USA, ships can take either the Pacific route, the Atlantic route, or the Indian Ocean route.

What are the factors affecting shipping?

Shipping is affected by factors such as distance, seasons, speed, and the weight of the goods, density of the goods, fuel costs, and currency.

How long does shipping from China to the US take currently?

Transit time from China to the US ranges from 1 to 35 days. It all depends on the shipping method and the shipping costs. However, you can experience delays when you ship goods during the holiday season or when there is port congestion and container shortages.

HowFar is China from Houston?

The distance from China to Houston varies based on the specific departure city in China. For example:

  • Shanghai to Houston: Approximately 7,000 nautical miles (about 12,900 kilometers).
  • Beijing to Houston: Around 6,800 nautical miles (about 12,600 kilometers).

These distances can vary depending on the specific shipping route taken.

How Long Does Shipping From Guangzhou Take?

The time it takes for shipping from Guangzhou, China, to the United States depends on several factors, including the destination port in the US, the shipping method, and the specific route taken. Here are some general estimates:

1. Shipping to the West Coast (e.g., Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle):
  • Duration: Typically takes about 15 to 20 days.
  • Factors: This is the shortest route for shipping from Guangzhou to the US, as it involves a direct crossing of the Pacific Ocean. The distance between Guangzhou and the West Coast is shorter, making it the preferred route for time-sensitive goods.
2. Shipping to the East Coast (e.g., New York, Savannah, Miami):
  • Duration: Usually takes about 30 to 35 days.
  • Factors: Shipping from Guangzhou to the US East Coast generally takes longer due to the increased distance and the need to transit through the Panama Canal or take a longer route via the Suez Canal. This route is more suitable for less time-sensitive goods or bulk shipments where cost considerations are prioritized.
3. Factors Affecting Shipping Time:
  • Port Congestion: Delays at ports, especially during peak shipping seasons, can extend transit times.
  • Weather Conditions: Adverse weather can slow down shipping speeds and extend transit times.
  • Shipping Method: Full Container Load (FCL) shipments tend to be faster than Less than Container Load (LCL) shipments, as LCL requires additional time for consolidation and deconsolidation of goods.

Understanding how long does shipping from Guangzhou take helps businesses plan their logistics and supply chain strategies effectively, ensuring timely delivery and optimizing costs. By choosing the right shipping route and method, companies can better manage their international shipping needs from Guangzhou to various parts of the United States.

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Topshipping's team, led by industry veteran Topshipping, boasts over a decade of experience in freight and cargo. Renowned for their expertise and reliability, each member excels in areas like transportation management, customs regulations, and distribution. Our standout feature is our collaborative spirit, ensuring the best solutions for clients through effective teamwork. More than just experts, we are dedicated professionals committed to transforming shipping operations and making a real difference for their clients.
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