
Work With Us

Are you interested in working with us? We are always looking to hire talents that are interested in constant growth and progress. Join us at one of our open positions today, and enjoy fully remote and flexible work environment. Take a look below to see what positions are available at this time

Author & Editor

At TopShipping, we strive to provide daily news and articles about the freight business, solutions and transportation world. If you are interested in writing for us, and have great skills in the english language, you might be interested in this position.

In this role, you could:

  • Write about the latest news of freight services
  • Improve & update existing articles
  • Research & write about the latest logistics methods
  • Expand the knowledge base
  • Write posts on social medias

Our main goal is to provide a complete and comprehensive location for anyone who is interested in learning about the logistics world. You are free to suggest your own solutions, if you have any.

Why work at TopShipping?

Here are some of the perks of working with us:

  • Get paid based on your efforts. You can write us a few articles a week, or multiple a day.
  • Get credit for your work. Your writings will be published under your name.
  • Fully remote and flexible. Work from your home, any time.

How to apply?

To apply for this position, please send an email to and include the following:

  • A few lines about yourself
  • A few links/files to your previous writings
  • Your availability. How often would you be able to write for us?

We'll be looking forward to hearing from you.

SEO Specialist

We are looking for talented SEO specialists who can genuinely improve our website in both terms of off-site SEO and on-site SEO. If you are specialized in one of these, you might be a good fit for us! Your responsibilities in this position would be:

  • Improve the contents written by our authors
  • Improved and suggest technical solutions regarding SEO
  • Provide reports ( not generated by tools ) of weak-points and strong-points of our website
  • Suggest & perform advertisements

If you are interested in this position, please email us at and provide the following information:

  • A few lines about yourself
  • "One" suggestion about improving our website
  • Your C.V or some of your previous works

We'll be looking forward to hearing from you!

Want to partner with us?

If you are not interested in working at TopShipping, but still want to work with us, we can find a way to do that too! We are also interested in guest posts, backlinks, and more. You can always send us a message via our contact form. Please mention your interests and we will back to you as soon as possible.

partner with us