
After reading this, you’ll know all the information you need about sourcing from China. We have tried to give a comprehensive and complete answer to all your basic questions and prepare you for your own sourcing journey.

Our Services

Sourcing from China - What is the process?

This process is used to find and select the best product or service at a reasonable cost. Sourcing process contains 4 main steps as below, from submitting a sample order to ship it through sea, air or land…

  • Step 1 : we send the sample order for you
  • Step 2 : we do the factory inspection after you compare the sample
  • Step 3 : we submit the main order after evaluations by our agents
  • Step 4 : based on the incoterms we start picking up your cargo and shipping it to your desire destination
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Wherever you are, we are there

Sometimes companies prefer international sources over domestic ones, because they are accessible, cheap and well qualified in terms of quality and standards of the goods and products.

No matter where you are, you can have your order by using our global shipping services, Specially to :

  • United states
  • United Kingdom
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • Japan
  • Europe

Unique Sourcing Services

Customs Clearance

Need help with getting a shipment clearance from the local government? We can cover that for you.

Quality Check

We can inspect the factories you interested in working with, to make sure it meets your requirements.


Quality Check

Let us examine the quality of the items from the supplier. We’ll deliver a comprehensive review about it.

Sample Test

In addition to quality check, we can get a sample of the required items for you. We can test it too, or even better, send it to you for testing

Why TopShipping is the best?

Regardless of the state of the global economy, Railway Transportation is in high demand. High carrying capacity, rapidity, and optimum cargo security are all hallmarks of this segment’s long-term viability and dynamic growth. Using Topshipping’s services, its customers can take advantage of all the benefits of rail freight transport in Europe, the CIS, China, and other nations. Customer needs and cargo characteristics are considered, delivery routes are optimized, and costs are estimated. Regardless of the delivery location, Topshipping arranges rail freight transportation for any items in accordance with agreed-upon terms. A flexible pricing policy and good service quality are both made possible by our tight collaboration with reputable Partners.